Kelly Fowler {Getting to Know The Girls}

Getting to Know The Girls

 Photo Credit:  Blueye Images

Photo Credit: Blueye Images

Tell us about yourself.

I am a Florida girl at heart by way of Massachusetts. Having moved when I was 8, I claim Orlando as my hometown, but still root for Boston sports teams. After graduating from the University of Central Florida (Go Knights!), I spent some time in Georgia while my then fiancé attended law school, before moving back to Florida for work and for our destination wedding. Having spent much of my post-college days working in events, I knew it was something I wanted to pursue, but it wasn’t until I planned my own wedding that I realized that I had a strong pull to help plan more weddings. After a brief stint in Seattle and the world of corporate events and tradeshows, we made the move back to Florida thanks to the Navy, where my husband was a JAG Officer. We had visited Key West before, including for our honeymoon, and always joked about how it be such a cool place to live. Fast forward a few years, and there we were. I started working with another planner on the island to learn the ropes and after a few years, I had the opportunity to make the leap and start my own company. That was almost 5 years ago and we are still living in Key West, enjoying life with our 2.5 year old son and our dog, while helping my clients plan the wedding of their dreams!

What is your favorite part of the wedding?

It has to be the part when the bride and groom see each other for the first time. They are both a bundle or nerves up until that point and to see the look of happiness, joy and relief on their faces is always fun to watch!

What is your guiltiest pleasure?

Anything with cream cheese in it! That and fountain coke and watching shows on Bravo!

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

Spending time with my husband and son, especially at the beach or on the water.

 Photo Credit:  ARC Photography

Photo Credit: ARC Photography

Tell us your favorites: Movie, Book, TV Show.

Love Actually; Gone Girl but I am a sucker for Dr. Seuss books, especially All The Place You Will Go; Friends and Sex in the City

What travel destination are you most looking forward to traveling to?

Next up for on our list is a trip to Greece to celebrate out 10-year anniversary (hopefully), but we are also planning a Disney Cruise for next year.

What do you love about your work?

I love how fun my job can be. I love collaborating with clients and vendors and allowing myself to put my stamp on things. I always love it at the end of the night when the clients are so happy because you delivered exactly what they wanted.

 Photo Credit:  Magie Stolzberg Photography

Photo Credit: Magie Stolzberg Photography

What is your most favorite thing you have seen at a wedding?

It has to be seeing one of our grooms serenade his bride after they were introduced. He surprised her with an original song and sang in front of everyone! Definitely was an outpouring of love.

Tell us on thing about yourself that not too many people know.

When I was growing up, I wanted to be a TV Reporter. It was always something I wanted to do, but once I got to college, I realized that I didn’t like the way my voice sounded and I really didn’t like speaking in front of people as much as I thought.

~ The Just Save the Date Girls

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